1949 North-East China Production and Communication $5, $5 and $10 with surcharge, optd with "50th A...
Lot nr.:169
Starting bid:800 SEK
1950 North-East China 1st issue Tian An Men regular stamps set.
Lot nr.:170
Starting bid:500 SEK
1948 North-West China 2nd Yanan Pagoda Hill issue $300 block of 4 with bottom margin.`
Lot nr.:171
Starting bid:500 SEK
1949 North-West China Sinkiang Yili-Tacheng-Artai area Telegraph Operator design $50 in sheetlet of...
Lot nr.:172
Starting bid:2000 SEK
1949 North-West China People's Post $50 Mao with error print $200 instead.
Lot nr.:173
Starting bid:2500 SEK
1950 South-West China Guiyang Parcels Post opt on East China Postal Runner stamps set, two in pairs...
Lot nr.:174
Starting bid:150 SEK
1950 Surcharged with new value $500 perf 14.
Lot nr.:175
Starting bid:200 SEK
1950 Gate of Heavenly Peace 3rd issue $100 and $2000 in blocks of 4.
Lot nr.:176
Starting bid:200 SEK
1950 Gate of Heavenly Peace 4th issue set. VF
Lot nr.:177
Starting bid:1500 SEK
1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue set x 4 ($200000 in two pairs from original block of 4) mixe...
Lot nr.:178
Starting bid:10000 SEK
1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue $10000 to $50000.
Lot nr.:179
Starting bid:700 SEK
1951 Gate of Heavenly Peace 5th issue $10000 to $50000.
Lot nr.:180
Starting bid:1200 SEK
1952 Agrarian Reform set original print.
Lot nr.:181
Starting bid:250 SEK
1952 Gymnastics by Radio set original print in blocks VF.
Lot nr.:182
Starting bid:7000 SEK
1954 Tien An Men 7th Regular issue set in blocks of 4.
Lot nr.:183
Starting bid:200 SEK
1954 Russian exhibition in Beijing 52:25mm VF.
Lot nr.:184
Starting bid:500 SEK
1955 Peace Campaign set reprints in full sheets of 50 stamps, (3-1) in two blocks of 25. Sheets fo...
Lot nr.:185
Starting bid:1500 SEK
1955 Peace Campaign 2 set in blocks of 4 reprints. VF
Lot nr.:186
Starting bid:600 SEK
1955 National Emblem $$500 in half sheet (30 stamps), folded once.
Lot nr.:187
Starting bid:500 SEK
1955 1st Five Year Plan set VF.
Lot nr.:188
Starting bid:600 SEK
1955 Scientists of Ancient China MS set VF
Lot nr.:189
Starting bid:1000 SEK